Improv taught me the power of empathy. Listening without judgement, and acknowledging what is happening in the moment. This helps me be present.
Aamir found his passion for the stage and sparked his creative side with his college troupe Mission Improvable while attending the University of Massachusetts (UMASS, Amherst) where he studied Mass Communications, Economics and Film Studies. After earning his degree, he moved back to Pakistan where he ventured into television production, before moving back to the United States where he worked in textiles imports and carried that business forward to Vancouver Canada, now his hometown, in 2005.
In 2010, Aamir joined Canada's premier queer improv troupe, QueerProv. Since then, he has honed his improv skills training with The Improv Center, Instant Theatre, iO Chicago, Musical Improv Elements, and created Queerprov: Challenge, Kiki and Category Is (QueerProv's festival signature format).
In 2019, Aamir switched career paths and became a realtor and an actor. His acting credits include The Twilight Zone (2020) Resident Alien (2020) and The Confessions of a Superhero (2021).
Aamir is a co-founder of Tightrope Impro Theatre, an ensemble and faculty member of QueerProv, an cast member of the Dirty Little Secrets Improv Show and former board member of the Vancouver Queer Improv Society. Aamir combines his improv experience with his business background to embrace a "Yes, and..." approach to his work and life. He is fluent in Urdu, English, spoken Punjabi and Jedi.
based in Vancouver, Canada
grew up all over Pakistan
Aamir Khan